P-29, r. 1 - Regulation respecting food

Full text
(ss. 6.6.3 and 7.1.1)
6.6.A.1. Carcasses to be eliminated or complete confiscation
The carcasses of animals affected with one of the diseases found in the condition hereinafter mentioned shall be completely eliminated or shall be completely subject to confiscation:
6.6.A.1.1. Anaplasmosis.
6.6.A.1.2. Infectious equine anaemia.
6.6.A.1.3. Anaemia cachexia, persistant hydremia in the 24 hours following slaughtering.
6.6.A.1.4. Azoturia.
6.6.A.1.5. Blackleg.
6.6.A.1.6. Hog cholera.
6.6.A.1.7. Dourine.
6.6.A.1.8. Emaciation in which the condition of the carcass is characterized by loss of intermuscular tissue and internal fat and their replacement by a yellow gelatinous substance.
6.6.A.1.9. Viral encephalomyelitis (poisoning by fodder).
6.6.A.1.10. Vesicular exanthema.
6.6.A.1.11. Farcy.
6.6.A.1.12. Malignant catarrh.
6.6.A.1.13. Anthrax.
6.6.A.1.14. Texas fever.
6.6.A.1.15. Strangles.
6.6.A.1.16. Immaturity: There is immaturity when:
(a) the musculature appears to be water-soaked;
(b) the muscles of the rump are flaccid and solf, greyish red in colour;
(c) the fat of the region of the kidneys is edematous, dirty yellow or greyish red.
6.6.A.1.17. Inflammation: The carcass of an animal with mammitis, metritis, peritonitis, enteritis, pneumonia, pleurisy and meningitis shall be eliminated or confiscated, if there are acute lesions or numerous chronic inflammations.
6.6.A.1.18. Lymphosarcoma or generalized leukemia.
6.6.A.1.19. Skin diseases, such as the mange, thrush or any other generalized skin disease at an advanced stage and accompanied by emaciation or cachexia.
6.6.A.1.20. Glanders.
6.6.A.1.21. Parturition or giving birth within the 10 days preceding the slaughter of an animal affected with pyrexia or edema.
6.6.A.1.22. Hog plague.
6.6.A.1.23. Purpura hemorrhagica.
6.6.A.1.24. Pyemia.
6.6.A.1.25. Rabies.
6.6.A.1.26. Equine salmonellosis.
6.6.A.1.27. Sapremia.
6.6.A.1.28. Septicemia.
6.6.A.1.29. Tetanus.
6.6.A.1.30. Toxemia.
6.6.A.1.31. Tularemia.
6.6.A.1.32. Uremia.
6.6.A.2. Carcasses or parts of carcasses to be eliminated or confiscated
The carcasses of animals affected with a disease hereinafter mentioned or only the part of the carcass affected, depending on the extent of the disease and lesions hereinafter described, shall be completely eliminated or confiscated:
6.6.A.2.1. Abscesses and adhesions: Any organ or part of an animal affected with an abscess, suppurating sore or adhesion shall be eliminated or confiscated.
6.6.A.2.2. Antinomycosis, actinobacillosis, coccidioidomycosis, mucormycosis, tuberculosis:
(1) These diseases are considered generalized:
(a) when they are present at the usual seats of primary infection and in the organs or parts that may be reached only by the organisms in question being carried to them in the general circulation.
The presence of lesions in 2 of the following organs: the spleen, kidneys, uterus, udder, ovaries, testicles, adrenal gland, brain, spinal cord or their membranes shall be accepted as proof of generalization;
(b) when there are numerous lesions of one of such diseases distributed uniformly throughout both lungs.
(2) The carcass of an animal affected with one of the aforesaid generalized diseases shall be completely eliminated or confiscated.
(3) If the condition is not generalized, only the part affected shall be eliminated or confiscated.
6.6.A.2.3. Arthritis — polyarthritis:
(1) The carcass affected with generalized arthritis characterized by the evidence of periarticular abscesses or manifesting suppurative lesions in more than one joint shall be eliminated or confiscated.
(2) If the arthritis is localized and not associated with systemic change, the affected joint and corresponding lymph node only shall be confiscated.
6.6.A.2.4. Caseous lymphadenitis: The carcasses and parts of a carcass affected with caseous lymphadenitis shall be judged according to the extent of the lesions:
(a) the entire carcass shall be eliminated or confiscated if the disease is generalized or is associated with emaciation;
(b) if the disease is confined to one body gland, the corresponding part shall be confiscated.
6.6.A.2.5. Edema: The carcass affected with edema (hydrothorax, ascites, anasarca) shall be eliminated or confiscated, except if the affection is slight and confined to the seat of the infection. In such case, only the affected parts shall be confiscated.
6.6.A.2.6. Omphaloplebitis:
(1) Any carcass of an animal affected with a disorder of the navel and which also presents a lesion of arthritis, peritonitis, nephritis, pneumonia, pleurisy or an abscess on another organ shall be eliminated or confiscated.
(2) In the case of omphalophlebitis without complication, the liver alone may be eliminated or confiscated, according to the appreciation of the condition of the carcass.
6.6.A.2.7. Traumatic pericarditis:
(1) A carcass affected with traumatic pericarditis shall be eliminated or confiscated whenever there is a system change in the carcass, in particular if there is edema of the region of the breast and corresponding lymph nodes, associated with pneumonia, pleurisy or peritonitis.
(2) If a carcass affected with a slight and localized traumatic pericarditis is normal and dry within 24 hours of slaughtering, only the affected parts or organs shall be eliminated or confiscated.
6.6.A.2.8. Swine erysipelas:
(1) A hog carcass affected with the acute septicemic form of erysipelas shall be eliminated or confiscated.
(2) In the case of a hog carcass affected with the diamond-skin form, the affected parts shall be eliminated or confiscated.
6.6.A.3. Carcasses or parts of carcasses to be eliminated or confiscated as a result of pathological or abnormal conditions
The carcasses of animals exhibiting one of the following pathological or abnormal conditions, or only the affected part of the carcass, depending on the extent of the condition described hereinafter shall be completely eliminated or confiscated:
6.6.A.3.1. Neoplasm:
(1) If an organ or part of a carcass is affected with a primary malignant tumour, the entire carcass shall be eliminated or confiscated if there is evidence of metastasis in the muscles, skeleton or lymph nodes of the carcass; if there is no evidence of metastasis, only the organ or part affected shall be eliminated or confiscated.
(2) If a benign tumour affects an organ or a part of the carcass, only the affected organ or part of an otherwise sound carcass shall be eliminated or confiscated.
6.6.A.3.2. Abnormal odours:
(1) A carcass affected with a dietetic or pronounced medicinal odour, or with an abnormal metabolic odour shall be eliminated or confiscated.
(2) Carcasses smelling of urine or having a sexual odour must also be discarded or confiscated.
6.6.A.3.3. Pigmentation:
(1) Liver affected with marked carotenosis shall be eliminated or confiscated.
(2) Any carcass, organ or part affected with melanosis, ochronosis or osteohemochromatosis which cannot be completely eliminated shall be eliminated or confiscated.
(3) If a carcass is affected with a generalized xanthosis accompanied by a greyish or greenish discolouration of the musculature, it shall be completely eliminated or confiscated; if the xanthosis is limited to an organ or part of a carcass, only the affected parts or organs shall be eliminated or confiscated.
(4) A carcass whose greenish or yellowish colouration of the icterus persists after cooling for 24 hours or whose icterus is accompanied by parenchymatous degeneration of the organs as a result of infection or poisoning shall be eliminated or confiscated.
6.6.A.4. Carcasses or parts of carcasses to be eliminated or confiscated as a result of parasitic infestation
6.6.A.4.1. Bovine cysticercosis:
(1) A carcass infested with bovine cysticerci (cysticercus bovis) shall be eliminated or confiscated if there are more than 2 cysts at more than 2 places in the musculature of the carcass.
(2) If there are not enough cysts to justify the elimination of the infested carcass, it shall be held in cold storage at a temperature not higher than -9ºC continuously for a period of at least 20 days.
(3) If the infestation consists of one dead or degenerated cyst (calcified deposit), either the cyst shall be removed or the organ shall be eliminated or confiscated.
6.6.A.4.2. Ovine cysticercosis:
(1) The organ or part of a carcass affected with a parasitic infestation which is not transmissible to man, such as ovine cysticercosis, shall be eliminated or confiscated.
(2) If the distribution of parasites in a carcass is such that the removal of parasitic lesions is impracticable, the carcass shall be eliminated or confiscated.
6.6.A.4.3. Hog cysticercosis: A carcass with hog cysticercosis (cysticercus cellulosae) shall be eliminated or confiscated.
6.6.A.4.4. Sarcosporidiosis: A carcass affected with a generalized infestation of sarcosporidia shall be eliminated or confiscated.
6.6.A.4.5. Trichinosis: If a carcass gives a positive test for trichinosis, it shall be confiscated.
6.6.A.5. Poultry carcasses to be completely eliminated or confiscated
Poultry carcasses affected with one of the diseases or found in the condition hereinafter mentioned shall be completely eliminated or shall be subject to complete confiscation:
6.6.A.5.1. Ascites.
6.6.A.5.2. Botulism.
6.6.A.5.3. Cloacitis, enteritis, peritonitis, salpyngitis: If there are acute lesions or numerous chronic inflammations.
6.6.A.5.4. Dermatitis or generalized skin disease.
6.6.A.5.5. Emaciation.
6.6.A.5.6. Listeriosis.
6.6.A.5.7. Leukemia.
6.6.A.5.8. Mareck’s disease.
6.6.A.5.9. Generalized bruises.
6.6.A.5.10. Ornithosis.
6.6.A.5.11. Putrefaction or stinking fermentation.
6.6.A.5.12. Septicemia, toxemia.
6.6.A.5.13. Tuberculosis.
6.6.A.6. Poultry carcasses or parts of carcasses to be eliminated or confiscated
Poultry carcasses affected with a desease hereinafter mentioned, or only the part of the carcass affected depending on the extent of the disease and lesions hereinafter described shall be eliminated or confiscated:
6.6.A.6.1. Arthritis: If a poultry carcass is affected with localized arthritis in one or 2 joints which are not associated with a system change, the affected parts shall be eliminated or confiscated.
6.6.A.6.2. Infectious bronchitis.
6.6.A.6.3. Fowl cholera.
6.6.A.6.4. Coccidiosis.
6.6.A.6.5. Infectious coryza.
6.6.A.6.6. Enterohepatitis.
6.6.A.6.7. Mycotic infection.
6.6.A.6.8. Infectious laryngotracheitis.
6.6.A.6.9. Parasitic diseases: The edible organs or parts of poultry carcasses infested with parasites or which bear lesions of such infestations shall be eliminated or confiscated.
6.6.A.6.10. Chronic respiratory diseases.
6.6.A.6.11. Avian pneumoencephalitis.
6.6.A.6.12. Pullorum disease.
6.6.A.6.13. Sinusitis.
6.6.A.6.14. Synovitis.
6.6.A.6.15. Trichomoniasis.
6.6.A.6.16. Tumour:
(1) If an organ or part of a poultry carcass is affected with a primary malignant tumour, the entire carcass shall be eliminated or confiscated if there is evidence of metastasis in the muscles or skeleton; if there is no evidence of metastasis or secondary changes, only the organ or part affected shall be eliminated or confiscated.
(2) If a benign tumour affects an organ or a part of the carcass, only the affected organ or part of an otherwise sound carcass shall be eliminated or confiscated.
6.6.A.6.17. Fowl typhoid.
6.6.A.6.18. Fowl pox.
6.6.A.7. Green discolouration: Any part of a poultry carcass affected with green discolouration shall be eliminated or confiscated.
6.6.A.8. Post mortem change: A poultry carcass which, after the elimination or confiscation of the parts affected, undergoes a post mortem change of a superficial nature, shall be acceptable.
6.6.A.9. Perosis — rickets: A poultry carcass affected with perosis or rickets shall be eliminated or confiscated depending on its general condition.
R.R.Q., 1981, c. P-29, r. 1, Table 6.6.A.